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Everyday Life Stories

Matthew’s Journey to Independence

Nineteen-year-old Matthew is a playful young man who loves video games, cars and having fun with his brothers. As one of nine siblings, he feels a big responsibility for his space and family.  Before connecting with Everyday Independence a year ago, Matthew faced significant challenges in working towards his self-care and independence goals.

Matthew, who has an intellectual disability and is Autistic, struggles with bed wetting, which can be a source of embarrassment. He bravely acknowledges the importance of managing it and remains determined to achieve his goals. Matthew also wants to get a job to gain independence and help support his family.

As one of nine children, with five siblings also on the NDIS, resources and attention at home are often stretched for Matthew’s mom. Inconsistent supports have made it challenging or Matthew to manage basic life tasks like hygiene and keeping his room clean, hindering his job prospects. Despite being on the NDIS for a long time, he has not had an occupational therapist who stayed for more than one session.

In desperate need of support, we paired Matthew and his family with Occupational Therapist Thabi. Over a year, Thabi helped Matthew develop self-care skills and independence, setting hygiene standards for a healthy routine and job readiness, including protecting and thoroughly cleaning his bed linens.

After building a strong rapport and trust with the family, Thabi was able to introduce additional support with Habit Coach, Nathan. Nathan’s role has been to help Matthew practice the new skills he learned between therapy sessions.

To improve Matthew’s quality of life, Nathan worked with him on daily tasks like washing bedding, cleaning floors, and doing laundry. Over time, Matthew’s confidence grew, allowing him to do more tasks independently. At his last habit coaching session, he had not only cleaned his room independently but also tidied the kitchen and lounge, eliminating rubbish and odors.

Matthew now takes full responsibility for his own hygiene and cleanliness. Each fortnight, he withdraws money from the bank to shop at Coles, where he buys his own bin bags, laundry supplies and air freshener, alongside some treats for his youngest brother.

Reflecting on the journey supporting Matthew, Nathan says:

Seeing Matthew’s room and his entire house cleaner improved not only his quality of life but also that of his family. I’m incredibly proud of him.

Nathan, Habit Coach

Now that Matthew has achieved his goals, we’re looking for new ways for him to improve his self-care and independence so he’s ready to get the job he dreams of.

Are you Ready to Achieve a Positive Life Change?

Habit Coaches are available exclusively to our NDIS participants who receive occupational therapy, speech pathology, physiotherapy, early childhood or positive behaviour support services.

Is your child or someone you care for facing similar challenges? Our dedicated teams at Everyday Independence are here to help.  Call 1300 179 131 or complete an online form, and we’ll be in touch to learn more about how we can assist you.

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