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QLD participants: All appointments on 6 and 7 March will be via telehealth. Please contact your local hub if you need to confirm details. For additional support please call 1300 179 131.

Do You Qualify For NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government-funded initiative. It’s designed to ensure all Australians living with disability have access to the support they require. Participants who are eligible for the NDIS will be empowered to take an active role in creating a tailored NDIS plan. An NDIS plan is designed to support participants in gaining greater independence, new skills and improved quality of life.

Who is Eligible for NDIS in Australia?

The requirements you must meet to be eligible for the NDIS are referred to as ‘NDIS access requirements’. Limiting who can access the scheme helps to ensure that ample funding is available for any Australian citizen living with a permanent and significant disability.

Eligibility requirements

To join the NDIS, there are eligibility requirements that you need to meet. What are the eligibility criteria for NDIS?

  • You must be an Australian citizen or a permanent resident or a New Zealand citizen with a protected special category visa
  • You must be aged under 65 years at the time you first access the Scheme
  • You must meet the disability requirements.

Disability requirements

To be eligible for the NDIS you must also meet the disability requirements. What are the disability requirements for NDIS funding?

  • You must have a permanent and significant disability (or have a disability that is likely to be permanent)
  • Your disability must significantly reduce your functional capacity regarding self-care, communication, daily life or ability to access mainstream community services or supports.

A permanent and significant disability may include:

  • A physical disability
  • A visual or hearing-related disability
  • An intellectual or cognitive disability (including developmental delay)
  • A neurological or psychosocial disability

Is it Hard to Apply for NDIS funding?

The NDIS aims to be accessible to the disabled community. To remain as accessible as possible, there are multiple ways to apply to the Scheme. So, if you are satisfied that you are eligible for the NDIS, how do you qualify for NDIS funding?

How to apply if you are aged seven or older

If you or the person you are applying on behalf of is seven years or older, you have three options when applying to the Scheme:

How to apply on behalf of a child under seven years

If you are applying on behalf of a child aged under seven years, we encourage you to locate your nearest early childhood partner. These specialists are experienced in early childhood and early intervention. Your early childhood partner can assist with determining eligibility criteria and will remain a supportive contact throughout the application process.

Your child doesn’t need a diagnosis to get help.

What is the Aboriginal Disability Liaison Officer (ADLO) program?

To provide increased support for First Nations Australians living with disability, the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) NDIA works with the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) to deliver the Aboriginal Disability Liaison Officer program (ADLO). ADLOs are typically deeply involved in the communities they serve, understand the culture and frequently speak the local language. If you are a First Nations Australian, your local ADLO can provide personalised assistance when applying to and utilising the NDIS.

Is NDIS Funding Based on Income?

The amount of funding a successful applicant receives from the NDIS varies greatly and isn’t based on an individual’s income.

When determining how much funding will be allocated to a participant, the NDIA will consider what is reasonable and necessary supports or services needed. The NDIA will also consider any other supports already being provided by family or friends, and other community and government supports. The NDIA may also consider any early intervention supports which may provide a small benefit in the present but a large benefit in future months or years.

Can I be on the NDIS as well as Centrelink?

The NDIS is not means tested, and participation in the Scheme will not affect any disability or carers payments you receive. The only exception to this is the mobility allowance payment. The mobility allowance payment is provided to individuals with a disability to assist with transportation needs. NDIS participants will have their reasonable transportation needs funded under the scheme, so the mobility allowance will no longer be claimable if you are accepted into the scheme.

The NDIS provides life-changing support for many Australians with permanent and significant disabilities. If you believe you or someone you know may be eligible for the scheme, contact your local NDIS office or apply online today.

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