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When to Consider Behaviour Support Services

Behaviour Support services should be considered if you, or someone you care for uses challenging behaviours. Challenging behaviours are those that:

  • Put the physical safety of the person and those around them at risk. Examples could include biting, hitting, and throwing themselves against things.
  • Result in the person being denied participation or access to community facilities and activities. For example, not being allowed entry into the local swimming pool.

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a person-centred therapy approach where we work alongside the person who uses challenging behaviours and their supports, to understand the person and what their triggers are, and develop an individualised Behaviour Support Plan. The Behaviour Support Plan will focus on capacity building, so that it can be used as a central resource filled with proactive strategies and instructions to keep everyone safe and ultimately lead to the reduction and/or elimination of those behaviours, and any associated restrictive practices.

Our promise is to help improve the person’s quality of life and of those who support them. This includes developing the skills of those supports so that the person’s needs are met, and they have the opportunities to make meaningful social connections and participate in the activities they enjoy.

When you work with Everyday Independence, our behaviour support practitioners work with you in your community, as part of a broader team that may include speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and habit coaches.

Because the best way to deliver positive change is to look at your whole life and engage a team of practitioners with the understanding and skills that are vital to helping you make the changes that matter to you.

What Kind of NDIS Funding is Needed?

As a registered NDIS provider, Everyday Independence follows the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission guidelines.

According to the NDIS Commission, a person must have Improved Relationships or Behaviour Support funding to access Behaviour Support services. This funding allows an NDIS Commission registered Behaviour Support Practitioner to develop and implement Behaviour Support Plans that the relevant states and territories can authorise.

For those with only Improved Daily Living funding can access our Improved Daily Living programs to reduce challenging behaviours and develop healthier habits.

What qualifications do your Behaviour Support Practitioners have?

Our Positive Behaviour Support practitioners include occupational therapists, mental health nurses, social workers and developmental educators. They undertake regular professional development to maintain their skills and expertise and deliver high-quality evidence-based services.

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