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FAQs – Early Childhood Supports

Read commonly asked questions about our early intervention services.

Key Worker Model

How will the key worker model benefit my child and family?

Our key worker model offers many benefits for both your child and family. These include: 

  • a single point of contact provides consistency, which can be particularly beneficial for children who may struggle with transitions or changes 
  • all areas of your child’s life are considered, including their physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development, not just one aspect of their development 
  • the key worker coordinates all the services your child needs, which can save you time and reduce stress. They can liaise with other professionals, schedule appointments, and ensure everyone is working towards the same goal. 
  • we’ll consider the needs of your child and family when providing services and strategies that easily fit into your family’s routines and needs 
  • support is provided in the settings where your child spends their time, such as home, school, or community settings.  
  • research shows that the key worker model can lead to improved outcomes for children and families, including better communication, increased satisfaction with services, and improved child and family functioning. 
If I don’t like the key worker model, can I just get an occupational therapist?

We use a key worker model for all children aged up to and including eight years where they are funded for early childhood supports through the NDIS. 

Depending on your child’s needs, they may receive specialist consults and bursts of therapy from our team of practitioners, including an occupational therapist when this is required 


Key Workers’ Background and Experience

Are key workers qualified to deliver therapy if they are not an occupational therapist, speech pathologist or physiotherapist?

As degree-qualified teachers, our key workers use their training in child development and learning to design and implement strategies across developmental areas which include social, emotional, physical, cognitive and language. They do this in a way that engages your family and other important people in your child’s life such as their teacher.  

There are some areas that only a speech pathologist, physiotherapist or occupational therapist can assess and provide advice on. The key worker will link in these team members where this support is required. 

What background do key workers have?

Key workers at Everyday Independence are degree-qualified teachers, occupational therapists, speech pathologists or physiotherapists with experience training and experience in early childhood development.

Their broad understanding of childhood development enables them to understand and support the unique needs of each child.

Key workers can deliver more than an individual registered occupational therapist, speech pathologist or physiotherapist, as they can implement their own strategies and activities as well as those designed by the team of therapists.

What language do your key workers speak?

While English is likely the primary language, some key workers may be multilingual and able to provide services in other languages.  

Contact us to enquire about the language capabilities of key workers in your specific area. 

What is your key workers’ experience in supporting autistic children and children with global developmental delay?

Our key workers are experienced in supporting children with disabilities, global developmental delay, and children on the autism spectrum.

They will use their skills and knowledge to engage with your child’s interests and use these as a basis for therapy and development. Our key workers also take a tailored approach to meet each child’s unique needs and abilities, focusing on their strengths and interests to help them reach their full potential. They work closely with your family to understand your child’s needs and to create a supportive and consistent environment for your child.


I only need occupational therapist and/ or speech pathologist for my child, can a key worker help with this?

As degree-qualified early childhood teachers, our key workers use their specialised training in child development and learning to design and implement strategies that would also be used by other members of your child’s team, such as speech pathologists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists.  This includes activities to improve fine motor skills, language development or strategies to help with their sensory processing issues.

Key workers can deliver more than an individual registered occupational therapist, speech pathologist or physiotherapist, as they can implement their own strategies and activities as well as those designed by the team of therapists.



Therapy Sessions

Where will my child’s sessions be held?

Your child will have their sessions delivered in the places where they spend their time, such as home, school, or community settings. This can help your child learn and practice skills in real-world environments and enables the key worker to identify barriers holding them back from being fully included. 

We can’t do sessions during the day, can a key worker come after 4 PM when our child is home from school?

Our team understand that families have different schedules and needs, and we aim to provide flexible services that fit into your family’s routine. This can include providing sessions after school hours, such as after 4 pm. However, the specific availability may depend on the individual key worker or practitioner’s schedule. It’s best to discuss your availability when enquiring about our services and we’ll do our best to fit with your schedule. 

Can my early intervention team go to my child’s school/ kinder/ early learning centre?

Your child’s key worker or practitioner can attend your child’s school, kindergarten, or early learning centre to integrate therapy into your child’s daily routines and activities. They‘ll liaise with your school or kindergarten to ensure everyone is on board and working towards the same goals, and that the necessary permissions and arrangements are in place. 

Can a key worker just go to my child’s kindergarten/ school as we want all support delivered during school hours?

Your key worker will provide services in the places where your child needs help to build their skills.  This includes at childcare, kindergarten, school or another educational place. Generally, we find that children need support to build skills across various environments including at home and in community settings, to achieve the best outcomes. 

Our school does not support therapists going there – how will a key worker see our child if they do not work after hours?

Before and after school hours are usually the most requested time for appointments. We will do our best to find times that meet your family’s needs, including allocating a key worker who can provide before and after school hours appointments and sessions during school holiday periods. Our key workers and therapists can also design habit coach support into your therapy plan to increase therapy supports for out of school hours. 


What’s our Commitment to Child Safety?

At Everyday Independence, we’re committed to ensuring the safety and welfare of children. We believe all children, regardless of age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from harm, risk of harm neglect and abuse.

We’ve embedded our commitment to keeping children safe into the way we deliver our services, and our culture.

What’s an Early Childhood Child and Family Support Plan?

If your child and family is receiving early childhood supports (early intervention services), a key worker will develop a Child and Family Support Plan. This plan outlines the specific strategies and supports your family needs to achieve your outcomes. Your key worker will review your Child and Family Support plan together with you each year and adjust the goals and strategies as needed.

Can the key worker write a report for the NDIS?

Yes, a key worker can write a report for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).  This includes progress reports, plan reviews, and other necessary documentation to support your child’s ongoing needs and goals. 

Where in my child’s plan does it say I have funding for a key worker?

You will find this under Capacity Building Supports in your child’s plan. 

Funding for a key worker is typically included in the NDIS plan under the early childhood supports line item. However, the specific details and wording in the plan can vary. If you’re unsure, it’s best to contact your local Early Childhood Partner for clarification. 

Are you Ready for Positive Life Changes?

Speak to our team on 1300 179 131 or complete an online form, and we’ll be in touch to learn more about how we can assist your child and family.

If you’re not ready to start services yet, head over to our early childhood services page for more information about our services.

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