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Everyday Life Stories

Jack Finds His Voice With Early Childhood Intervention

Four-year-old Jack lives at home with mum and dad, and his older brother, James. Like many four-year-olds, Jack loves paw patrol, playing on his iPad, and being outside with his older brother.  Jack has a smile that lights up the room, but often struggles to connect with others verbally.  

Jack’s parents wanted him to build his communication and language skills to express his feelings and needs. They also wanted him to broaden the foods he eats and develop self-care skills (independent toileting) and social skills needed to transition to school smoothly.

Jack is autistic and before engaging with early childhood supports (early childhood intervention services) at Everyday Independence, his vocabulary was limited to speaking one or two words together. He also had difficulty understanding what his family and educators at daycare are saying to him. 

We linked Jack and his family with key worker Zoe, a degree qualified teacher who knows early childhood development. Zoe is part of a dedicated team that helps families in nurturing their children’s everyday skills and making positive life changes. The team includes a speech pathologist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, and a habit coach.

Zoe jumped right in, getting to know Jack and his family well so that she could develop a plan to support them to make the changes they wanted to make.   

Zoe visited Jack at home and his daycare to provide therapy sessions with the aim of helping develop his language and communication skills.  Knowing that Jack loves playing with cars and trucks, Zoe used these toys to engage him in language focused play.  At first, Jack stayed on his iPad when she arrived for sessions, however over time he showed more interest in playing with Zoe.  

To help Jack develop his communicate skills quickly, Zoe provided a burst of therapy sessions over a short period of time.  Jack responded well to this approach and was soon using more words in his vocabulary and confidently answering simple questions.   

When Zoe first met Jack, he was engaging with simple phrases like “okay” or “oh no” – now, Jack can recognise letters off beads that she holds up when he is asked to differentiate what is what.  Zoe was also pleasantly surprised when he was able to repeat the entire alphabet, correctly, on his own accord. 

He has also expanded his vocabulary to around 50 words and forming more intelligible phrases which makes it easier for him to engage in conversation.

As Jack’s key worker I was incredibly proud and excited when Jack recited the alphabet on his own, I know this is only the beginning of the amazing things Jack is going to achieve.   

Zoe, key worker

Zoe will now continue to work with Jack on his other goals, bringing in other team members as needed to help him achieve the outcomes he and his family desire. 

Are you Ready to Achieve a Positive Life Change?  

Speak to our Access team on 1300 179 131 or complete an online form, and we’ll be in touch to learn more about how we can assist you or someone you care for. 

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