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Everyday Life Stories

Leyla Blooms with Confidence

Leyla is a happy five-year-old who loves playing outdoors, having tea parties, and playing with playdoh and other sensory toys.

Leyla’s parents engaged Everyday Independence for early childhood supports (early childhood intervention services) to help develop her everyday skills. Leyla just wanted to be a ‘big girl’ and do things more for herself, and let others know what she wanted.

Leyla’s therapy team includes Key Worker Sonia, a speech pathologist and habit coach all working together to build Leyla’s skills.

As a key worker, Sonia is the main point of contact for Leyla and her family for their early childhood supports. She works closely with Leyla to devleop her skills and with her parents, and teachers so they too can better meet her needs.

 Sonia worked closely with Lelya and her family to understand her needs, interests and challenges, using this knowledge to create a plan tailored to her goals.

What does a Key Worker do?

Everyday Independence key workers, mostly trained teachers, use their knowledge of child development to help children grow socially, emotionally, physically, cognitively, and in language skills. Our key worker plan and oversee the child’s services.  As the main therapist and day-to-day contact, they:

  • Deliver most of the child’s therapy
  • Coordinate services from speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, behaviour support practitioners and habit coaches as needed
  • Link the family with community services to support their child’s development.

Research shows that the key worker model can lead to improved outcomes for children and families, including better communication, increased satisfaction with services, and improved child and family functioning. 

When asked about her time with Leyla, Sonia said;

While working with Leyla, I’ve seen her confidence grow which is beautiful to see.

Sonia – Key Worker

Our team-based model involves key workers coordinating services from speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, positive behaviour support practitioners and habit coaches. This approach helps children to build everyday skills and confidence while maximising positive changes they can make with their NDIS funding.

Are you Ready to Achieve a Positive Life Change?

Our team of key workers, therapists and practitioners are here to help children younger than nine years, with a disability or developmental delay to develop their everyday skills. Connect with us on 1300 179 131 or complete an online form, and we’ll be in touch to learn more about how we can assist you.

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