QLD participants: All appointments on 6 and 7 March will be via telehealth. Please contact your local hub if you need to confirm details. For additional support please call 1300 179 131.
We support people with disabilities of all ages to increase their independence, participate more in everyday life, and experience greater wellbeing.
Whether a child, teenager, or adult, Everyday Independence provides a range of evidence-based therapies including occupational therapy, speech pathology, physiotherapy, early childhood supports, positive behaviour support and habit coaching.
Early Childhood – up to Nine Years
The early years are critical for children’s development. Children with delayed language, and children struggling to engage with peers or participate physically benefit from support to develop independence, greater participation and a sense of well-being.
Being able to play with other kids, becoming more independently active or being better able to express needs at childcare are typical outcomes parents seek for their young children.
Our Child and Family teams include key workers, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, and physiotherapists who are experienced in early childhood development. As a team, they help parents and other caregivers understand their child’s unique needs and what’s possible with the right support.
Therapy support for young children may focus on:
Self-care skills such as getting dressed, feeding themselves, toileting
Teaching how to interact with others and make friends
Developing communication skills
Prescribing assistive technology and equipment to make everyday tasks easier
Access to group programs for parents and children.
Children – Nine Years and Older
Primary school-aged children with a disability or illness can struggle with school, family and community life. They may need to learn new skills and how to engage with others or assistance to overcome physical and social barriers. We provide whatever therapeutic support is required to build children’s everyday independence, participation in everyday community life, and well-being.
Sometimes group sessions are the best way to socially interact with peers and practise social skills. Group sessions can also enable parents and teachers to learn proven strategies that help equip them to create positive change in children’s lives.
Therapy support for children may focus on:
Getting themselves ready for school
Developing hobbies or interests
Coping with challenging situations that spark strong emotions
Making the most of learning opportunities and making friends at school
Prescribing assistive technology that enables them to learn or participate
Lego Social Skills and Building Connections group programs.
Teenagers – 12 to 18 Years
Transitioning through adolescence and facing the move away from parents and school is a period when people living with disabilities need all kinds of support to become more independent, participate in more everyday activities with their peers, and feel more positive about their lives.
Key transitions that often trigger the need for this support include the move from primary to secondary school, from high school to further study, finding a job, or moving out of the home.
Working alongside teenagers at home, in the community or in structured social settings, we provide whatever therapeutic support is needed to create positive change for the rest of their lives.
Therapy support for teenagers may focus on:
Building resilience and independence
Developing hobbies and interests
Being fit and healthy
Developing and maintaining friendships
Working and studying with a disability
Assistive technology and modified environments
Transitioning to work
Living independently.
Adults – Through All Life Stages
Adults aged up to 65 with a disability require support to independently manage everyday activities, participate actively in community life and experience positive wellbeing. Whether affected by illness, injury or a life-long condition, supporting adults to be safe, included and meaningfully engaged is key to realising positive life outcomes.
Moving into a new home or job, staying fit and healthy, finding meaningful and rewarding ways to spend their time, or managing behaviour to avoid restrictive responses and damaged relationships can be supported. We enable adults to do things that are meaningful to them, make their own positive life choices, and find social places where they feel respected and included.
Therapy support for adults may focus on:
Moving safely around the home and getting around the community